

Wirebeings is a 3D-printed and expandable robot for Arduino with Android control.

It is completely open source causing you to build this robot all by yourself.

WireBeings is designed around the Arduino platform.

You can adjust everything, from an Arduino micro to a Mega2560 stacked with 3 shields in its extra large head. There is enough space for breadboards and custom circuits.

WireBeings is designed to be 3D printed.

All non-printable parts are generally available. Motors, wheels, the ubiquitous HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor and a few other parts are all that is needed to bring this robot to life.

Software can be uploaded via USB.

Once built, WireBeings can communicate via an HC-06 Bluetooth module.

If the Arduino does not have enough computing power for your project, no problem. WireBeings is designed to take a smartphone with you. Simply connect the robot and the phone via Bluetooth and let the processor of the phone do all the heavy work.

Wirebeings: https://www.wirebeings.com

Instructables: https://www.instructables.com/id/WireBeings-an-Expandable-Robot-Chassis-for-Arduino/

Hackaday: https://hackaday.com/2016/04/13/open-source-robotics-with-wirebeings/

Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1252523