
Segway Robot

The Segway looks like half hoverboard, half Segway. Instead of Segway's handlebar attached to the wheels, this one have a pole attached to the wheels that come up to around knee-level. It turns into an adorable mini robot butler when you’re not riding it around town.

The Segway can travel up to 30km with speeds up to 18kph.

The Segway Robot has two blinking eyes and speaks with a classic monotone robotic voice. It recognizes voice commands and it has an Internet-connected camera. The Segway Robot can navigate and follow, and he is extendable with many exciting possibilities. 

The Segway Robot's arms come separately, and are pretty simple grippers that are good for picking up simple objects.

The robotics platform, developed by Intel and Xiaomi-backed robotics startup Ninebot, is capable of sensing its surroundings, recognising objects, people and voices and can be extended to perform a variety of other tasks through a development kit.

A developer kit will be available in the second half of 2016, with a commercial version released at a later date.


Segway Robot: