Zolang je robot maar van je houdtTitle: Zolang je robot maar van je houdt

Author: Marcel Heerink

Language: Dutch

Issue: March 2013

ISBN: 9789055942930


The capabilities of robots increase enormously. Slowly but surely they change our lives, just as the Internet has done. Robots becoming part of our daily lives, our family, our work. They will be everywhere, wherever we go and will be very common. We go to have social relations with them, love them, hate them and be happy with them. This book looks at the impact of these developments on our society. Book is very accessible and highly recommended for readers who want to know more about what robots will mean for us.


Robots zelf construerenTitle: Robots zelf construeren

Author: H.W. Katzenmeier

Language: Dutch

Uitgave: November 2004

ISBN: 9789053811832

Voertuigen die zich schijnbaar zelfstandig voortbewegen, als door een onzichtbare hand gestuurd, oefenen op veel toeschouwers een grote aantrekkingskracht uit. Deze aantrekkingskracht wordt vaak gevolgd door de wens om zelf ook zo'n voertuig te bouwen, dus een eigen robot te construeren. De zelfbouw van dergelijke robotvoertuigen is echter geen sinecure. Wanneer men niet over de nodige kennis op dit gebied beschikt, zijn mislukkingen gegarandeerd. En het onvermijdelijke gevolg? Frustraties, vaak na onnodig grote investeringen, die in veel gevallen het voortijdige einde van een nieuwe hobby betekenen. Dit boek reikt de roboticus in spé de nodige basiskennis aan van mechanische constructies en elektronische systemen. Bovendien worden eenvoudige, gemakkelijk na te bouwen en goed functionerende systemen beschreven die de fantasie van de lezer zullen prikkelen en een bron van inspiratie zijn voor de eigen creativiteit. In dit boek worden niet alleen bouwbeschrijvingen van complete systemen gegeven, maar wordt ook een groot aantal modulaire componenten beschreven ten behoeve van aandrijving, voortbeweging, voeding en sensoren. De beschreven modules kunnen naar believen in eigen modellen worden ingebouwd waarbij aan de combinatiemogelijkheden geen grenzen zijn gesteld.


Programming Robots

Title: Programming Robots with ROS

Author: Morgan Quigley, Brian Gerkey, William D. Smart

Language: English

November 2015


A Practical Introduction to the Robot Operating System.
Want to develop novel robot applications, but don't know how to write a mapping or object recognition system? You're not alone, but you're certainly not without help. By combining real-world examples with valuable knowledge from the Robot Operating System (ROS) community, this practical book provides motivating recipes for solving specific robotics use cases. Ideal for enthusiasts, from students in robotics clubs to professional robotics scientists and engineers, each recipe describes a complete solution using ROS open source libraries and tools. You'll learn how to complete tasks described in the recipes, as well as how to configure and recombine components for other tasks. If you're familiar with Python, you're ready to go. Learn fundamentals, including key ROS concepts, tools, and patterns Program robots that perform an increasingly complex set of behaviors, using the powerful packages in ROS See how to easily add perception and navigation abilities to your robots Integrate your own sensors, actuators, software libraries, and even a whole robot into the ROS ecosystem Learn tips and tricks for using ROS tools and community resources, debugging robot behavior, and using C++ in ROS

The Complete RobotTitle: The Complete Robot

Author: Isaac Asimov

Language: English

Issue: December 1983

ISBN: 9780586057247


The complete collection of Isaac Asimov's classic Robot stories. In these stories, Asimov creates the Three Laws of Robotics and ushers in the Robot Age - when Earth is ruled by master-machines and when robots are more human than mankind. The Complete Robot is the ultimate collection of timeless, amazing and amusing robot stories from the greatest science fiction writer of all time, offering golden insights into robot thought processes. Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics were programmed into real computers thirty years ago at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - with suprising results. Readers of today still have many surprises in store...


Lego MindstormTitle: 10 Cool Lego Mindstorm Robotics Invention System 2 Projects

Author: Mario Ferrari

Language: English

Issue: October 2002

ISBN: 9781931836616


TThis workbook introduces readers to the creative and exciting world of LEGO Mindstorms. Robotics Invention System 2.0 enables users ages 12 and up to design and program real robots that do what they want. Users can create almost anything, including a key card protected security vault, a robot that draws it own art, and a light sensitive dispenser that sorts their favorite candy by its color.


Rise of the RobotsTitle: The Rise of the Robots

Author: Martin Ford

Language: English

Issue: September 2015

ISBN: 9781780747491


Artificial intelligence is already well on its way to making 'good jobs' obsolete: many paralegals, doctors, and ironically even computer programmers are poised to be replaced by robots. As technology continues to accelerate and machines begin taking care of themselves, fewer jobs will be necessary. In terms of societal and economic upheaval, this is most important technological shift since the industrial revolution. And, unless we radically reassess the fundamentals of how our economy and politics work, we risk a future of massive unemployment and inequality as well as the implosion of the economy itself. In Rise of the Robots, Martin Ford offers both an exploration of this new technology and a call to arms to face its implications. Ford's warning rings clearly: robots are coming, and we must decide - now - whether the future will see prosperity or catastrophe.